How to Prevent Automobile Accidents
- 1). During long hours of highway driving and mind-numbing rush-hour traffic, it's easy to space out and just stare at the car in front of you. Stay alert by scanning the area in front of you, especially several car lengths ahead. By doing so, you can predict a sudden stop even before the car in front of you stops. Be aware of the blind spots in your vehicle, and don't just rely on rear- and side-view mirrors to see other cars. When it is safe to do so, turn your head to see if anyone is in the spot that the mirrors miss before you move to another lane. Everyone else has a blind spot, too, especially large trucks. Avoid staying too long in a spot that might be invisible to another driver.
- 2). Stick to a regular maintenance schedule in order to keep brakes in top condition. You might have impeccable driving skills, but if your car is not in top mechanical condition, you could still be putting yourself at a greater risk for an accident. Replace tires when they need it; a bald tire will be useless if you need to stop quickly.
- 3). Be familiar with the way your car functions. Pay attention to the sensitivity of the brakes, how long it takes your car to come to a complete stop and how fast it can accelerate. Misjudging these things could cause you to rear-end someone or not be able to merge in time. If you are driving an unfamiliar car, take it around the block a few times to get comfortable with it before taking it into highway traffic.
- 4). Check the weather before you get behind the wheel. Be aware of road conditions, and don't drive at all if you think it's too risky. Patches of ice can take a driver by surprise, causing him to lose control of a vehicle. Strong rain can reduce visibility and cause a vehicle to hydroplane.
- 5). Practice safe night driving. A lot of accidents happen at night. It might be tempting to start a long road trip at night to avoid traffic, but more drunken drivers are on the road at night, especially after the bars close. It's harder to see road hazards at night, and it's easier to get drowsy behind the wheel. If you feel yourself getting sleepy while you are driving, stop to get some coffee and stretch your legs; don't try to fight through it.