Technology Networking & Internet

How to Filter Junk Mail

    • 1). Log in to your email service, and navigate to your junk mail.

    • 2). Select and delete those messages from companies you've never heard of, never visited, or have no idea who they are.

      Do not open these emails, as even clicking an "Unsubscribe" link will let the spammer know the email address is open and valid.

    • 3). Open legitimate emails for services you've supplied your email address to and click the "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the page. Follow the instructions to unsubscribe, and the emails should cease.

    • 4). Select any junk mail that has been missed by your spam filter and ended up in your Inbox. Click the "Junk" button on the Inbox screen of your email system to send these messages to the junk folder.

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