Healthy Eating Is Easy, Even When Eating At Restaurants
Healthy eating is easy, that is, if you know what to eat and you teach yourself how to schedule it into your day.
Do you often wake up, shower and completer your morning bathroom routine and then decide "What do i want to eat?" or worse, "What do I have time to eat?" That is the approach that often leads to inadequate nutrition, eating on the run and overeating filling foods that lack nutrition.
Better habits can insure greater health.
And it can be so easy if you just plan it in advance.
First step is to eat very shortly after you get up.
Plan it ahead of time if you are rushed in the morning.
Make sure you include a little protein and a little fat with your breakfast, in fact with all your meals and snacks.
Fill a small baggy with nuts and seeds.
Have that available during the day when you get a hunger craving.
Instead of reaching for the 10 AM donut or bagel, eat some raw nuts that are known to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Bring a baggy filled with a mixture of dried herbs and spices to add to your lunch or dinner salad if you are eating out somewhere.
You can add dried oregano, thyme and basil to a salad and then jus task for olive oil at the restaurant.
Or, you can add tumeric and cumin, both important spices to help lower body inflammation.
Add beans to your meal at lunch or at dinner, or even both.
Order lentil soup instead of any type of noodle soup.
Add as many fresh greens to your daily diet as you can manage.
Not every restaurant has fresh greens, raw or cooked, but most do have salads, even if just iceberg lettuce.
So have your spices ready to sprinkle on top and you can also adds some of your nuts and seeds.
Now, think creatively.
If you just love those baked white rolls dipped in butter or cheese or oil, find a way to satisfy your first hunger at a restaurant.
Drink a tall glass of water.
Order vegetable or lentil soup to start.
Ask for some fresh cut carrots or celery to dip in oil, salad dressing or just munch on plain.
Drink lots of fluids.
Be careful to drink only warm or room temperature water, not cold, with your meals.
Drinking cold water depletes your stomach acids and can interfere with proper digestion.
Chew your food slowly and take time to enjoy your companion and your conversations.
If you must have dessert, make sure to share it so you only have the taste and not the fullness and interference with digestion later.
Make it a habit to eat healthier and then, when you once in a while go on an all out binge, your body can take it.
In fact, after eating really healthy for awhile, you might not enjoy the way you feel after a heavy meal.
Once you develop new eating habits they can be yours for life.
Do you often wake up, shower and completer your morning bathroom routine and then decide "What do i want to eat?" or worse, "What do I have time to eat?" That is the approach that often leads to inadequate nutrition, eating on the run and overeating filling foods that lack nutrition.
Better habits can insure greater health.
And it can be so easy if you just plan it in advance.
First step is to eat very shortly after you get up.
Plan it ahead of time if you are rushed in the morning.
Make sure you include a little protein and a little fat with your breakfast, in fact with all your meals and snacks.
Fill a small baggy with nuts and seeds.
Have that available during the day when you get a hunger craving.
Instead of reaching for the 10 AM donut or bagel, eat some raw nuts that are known to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Bring a baggy filled with a mixture of dried herbs and spices to add to your lunch or dinner salad if you are eating out somewhere.
You can add dried oregano, thyme and basil to a salad and then jus task for olive oil at the restaurant.
Or, you can add tumeric and cumin, both important spices to help lower body inflammation.
Add beans to your meal at lunch or at dinner, or even both.
Order lentil soup instead of any type of noodle soup.
Add as many fresh greens to your daily diet as you can manage.
Not every restaurant has fresh greens, raw or cooked, but most do have salads, even if just iceberg lettuce.
So have your spices ready to sprinkle on top and you can also adds some of your nuts and seeds.
Now, think creatively.
If you just love those baked white rolls dipped in butter or cheese or oil, find a way to satisfy your first hunger at a restaurant.
Drink a tall glass of water.
Order vegetable or lentil soup to start.
Ask for some fresh cut carrots or celery to dip in oil, salad dressing or just munch on plain.
Drink lots of fluids.
Be careful to drink only warm or room temperature water, not cold, with your meals.
Drinking cold water depletes your stomach acids and can interfere with proper digestion.
Chew your food slowly and take time to enjoy your companion and your conversations.
If you must have dessert, make sure to share it so you only have the taste and not the fullness and interference with digestion later.
Make it a habit to eat healthier and then, when you once in a while go on an all out binge, your body can take it.
In fact, after eating really healthy for awhile, you might not enjoy the way you feel after a heavy meal.
Once you develop new eating habits they can be yours for life.