Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Need The Lowest Power Reading Glasses Available?

Whether you're just starting to have a little trouble reading or have been to an eye doctor and were told to get some of the lowest power reading glasses available, it's possible to get what you need.

But you probably won't find them at the drugstore or a discount chain.

That's because the number of people who know they need low power reading glasses is relatively small. Many people just live with declining vision until it gets so bad they have to buy some higher-powered reading glasses. Others let the discomfort and stinging of computer vision syndrome or other eye problems go untreated.

Who Benefits From The Lowest Power Reading Glasses

You could probably benefit from low power reading glasses if you:
- are just starting to have trouble reading a book, magazine or newspaper,
- can see fine but are having some blurriness or pain when you work at the computer, or
- deal with close-up tasks for long periods of time and experience eye strain, like accountants, crafters or art restorers.

Simply put, low-magnification specs solve two problems: slight vision deficiencies and eye problems caused from overusing the muscles in your eyes.

Finding The Lowest Power Reading Glasses Available

Getting the glasses you need isn't a matter of picking some up when you're out running errands. No major drugstore, discount store or grocery store chain stocks low power reading glasses. A few shops carry glasses with a magnification of +1.00 diopters, but most start at +1.25 diopters or higher. Those won't work well for people with slight vision problems or eye strain and can cause headaches or other problems.

Glasses can be custom made starting at as little as +0.25 diopters magnification. (In fact, glasses for cosmetic purposes can be ordered that have no magnification at all.) While getting glasses in the mall or other local shop can cost hundreds of dollars, you can order low power reading glasses online for under $10.

A number of companies offer online cheap glasses online, but you can't trust all of them. Some use inferior lenses or frames while others can take weeks to send your order.

It's best to turn to a company that's been in business for years and has proven that it can deliver glasses that are as good as mall eyeglasses stores -- or better -- in just a few days.

Final Thought

Some people find the lowest power reading glasses -- those with a magnification of just +0.25 diopters -- perfect for them while others needs just a bit more power but still less than those drugstore or grocery store readers provide. That's when ordering low power reading glasses online is a great idea.

When you order non-prescription or prescription glasses online, you're cutting out the middle man and getting the lenses and frames you need at a fraction of what retail stores must charge.

That saves you money while getting you exactly what you need, and that's a smart way to do business -- no matter how you look at it.

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