How to Raise Hollyhocks
- 1). Loosen the soil in the planting location to a depth of 5 to 6 inches using a garden fork. Remove all grass clumps and large rocks. Amend with 3 to 4 inches of organic compost.
- 2). Sow the hollyhock seeds liberally in the prepared site and cover with 1/8 inch of soil. Water until the ground is lightly moistened. Be careful not to drive the seeds too far into the soil when watering, as they will not germinate without sufficient sunlight.
- 3). Continue to water anytime that the top of the soil looks dry. The seedlings will start to appear in 10 to 14 days.
- 4). Thin the seedlings once they emerge, leaving a space of 18 to 36 inches between each plant.
- 5). Fertilize the hollyhocks once in spring and again in summer with an all-purpose fertilizer.
- 6). Examine the foliage often for signs of disease or pest infestation, such as rusty-looking leaves or discoloration. Remove affected leaves promptly and treat with an insecticide or fungicide if you suspect a problem.
- 7). Cut the flower stalks off at the ground after the blooms have faded.