Insurance Renters Insurance

Addressing Home Insurance

Accidents - not to mention natural disasters - happen.
For the unwary or unprepared, the costs of making good the loss or damage caused by such events might be hefty indeed.
That's one of the reasons people might give for addressing home insurance in the UK.
The home and its contents represent one of the most significant investments they are ever likely to meet, yet both are vulnerable to a particularly wide range of perils or risks.
Home insurance, of course, is designed to offer just that - a financial safeguard against the unexpected loss or damage either to parts or the whole of the property that comprises your home or to the contents within it.
The twin risks of loss or damage to either the fabric of the property or to your possessions within it, therefore, are typically covered by two kinds of insurance, buildings insurance and contents insurance.
One plan or two? Since home insurance in the UK is about insuring both the building and its contents, there is little surprise that separate policies might be bought for each.
Buildings cover is the one that typically protects the homeowner against such major disasters as fire, floods and other acts of nature, but also indemnifies the owner against less serious accidents, such as falling roof tiles or slates, leakage from burst water or oil pipes, or acts of vandalism.
Under this heading, buildings insurance typically also provides cover against public liability claims from third parties (injury to another person or damage to their property after coming into contact with your home or garden - their car is damaged by a falling branch from a tree growing on your property, for example).
When arranging buildings insurance, however, the applicant is invariably given the option of also including contents cover in the same or a related policy.
By combining the two policies in this way, there may sometimes be significant discounts to be obtained.
Nevertheless, the sheer range of contents insurance plans might at first sight appear bewildering.
Is it the intention, for example, to cover your possessions against the standard risks of fire, theft, or loss or damage by flooding; or is accidental damage to be covered, too? Is cover required for those items that are frequently used away from home - such as cameras, laptops or sports equipment? There remain choices to be made and different policies are designed to cater for the specific needs and circumstances of the individual insured.
Bank, building society or independent provider? Mortgage lenders, such as banks and building societies may insist on their being adequate building insurance in place - and staying in place - as a condition of advancing and maintaining the mortgage.
Just as invariably, therefore, many lenders offer to arrange such insurance (either buildings insurance alone, or contents insurance included also).
However, you may not be obliged to buy their home cover.
By making use of a specialist home insurance website, that accesses a number of providers, it may be possible to secure cover for both buildings and contents that represents value for money for home insurance UK cover.

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