Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

How to Buy Berkshire B Stock

    • 1). Look up the share price for Berkshire Hathaway class B shares. The ticker symbol is BRK.B. In early December 2009, BRK.B traded for a little under $3,400 per share.

    • 2). Determine how many shares of BRK.B you want to purchase by dividing the amount you want to invest by the current share price. Regular stock broker accounts will require the purchase of whole shares. Online stock purchase firm Sharebuilder allows investors to invest with fixed-dollar amounts and buy fractional shares.

    • 3). Use your online broker account or call your stock broker and place the order for BRK-B shares.

    • 4). If you do not have the cash in your brokerage account, you have three business days to deposit the money.

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