Technology Software

How to Fix Error 1335

This error encounters with Microsoft Office and Adobe software. Follow the steps given below till your problem is completely fixed.

Eject the Disc & Clean it with a Soft Cloth
The disc you used for installation may have dust. Exit the installation, eject the disc, clean it using a soft cloth. This will fix error 1335 with Microsoft Office, Adobe or other programs as the case may be.

Turn off the Security Protection
The security protection program you're using might be conflicting with the current installation. Exit the setup, turn off the security protection and re-run the setup bootstrapper.

For Windows 8.1/ 8 and Earlier Versions:
1. Right click the Antivirus icon on the system tray.
2. Select Disable | Disable until restart.

Check Registration Entries of the Windows Installer
The Windows Installer is a utility commonly used in Windows to install different programs. Check the registration entries of the Windows Installer tool. If those entries are corrupt, you would have to replace their values with appropriate defaults. A system reboot is also required for the changes to take effects.

For Windows 8.1/ 8:
1. Press Windows Key + X.
2. Click "Command Prompt (Admin)'.
3. Command Prompt will be opened.
4. Type the following command, press ENTER:
Msiexec /unreg
5. Type the following command, press ENTER:
Msiexec /regserver
6. Lastly, type "EXIT" and hit ENTER.
7. Press Windows Key + C.
8. The Charms Bar will appear.
9. Click Settings | Power | Restart.
10. The computer will restart automatically.

For Earlier Versions of Windows:
1. Click the Start button.
2. Type "CMD" in the Search Box.
3. Right click "CMD" from the Search Results, select "Run as administrator".
4. Refer Steps # 3-6 from Windows 8.1/ 8 user's paragraph.
5. 5. Restart the PC for the changes to take effects. To do so, please click the Start button. Click the Arrow button, and then select the Restart option. Your PC will be restarted and above error will not occur again.

Resolve DLL, ActiveX Conflicts
Check for conflicts pertaining with ActiveX and DLL files on your computer. Scan the PC for problems pertaining with these two elements. If any errors are found, fix those issues immediately. This will fix error 1335.

For Windows 8.1/ 8 and Earlier Versions:
1. Download Error 1335 Repair Tool.
2. Install and run the utility.
3. Scan for problems pertaining with DLL/ ActiveX elements.
4. Fix those issues immediately.
5. Reboot the PC.

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