Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

The Lion"s Mane

The lion's mane is its most distinct part.
Unfortunately only the males sport one, though you will find some that don't.
It is mainly brown to black in color.
Recently, observations have it that the darker the mane, the healthier the lion.
Even females prefer mating with males that have darker manes.
They see them as strong and they are more likely to sire stronger cubs that have a higher chance of survival.
Their genes are stronger.
In Tanzania, researchers say that lions with darker manes have been more successful in fights with other lions.
The mane keeps the lion warm during cold weather conditions.
In very cold regions, you will find that the lions have fuller manes than in hotter regions.
Lions with manes suffer a lot during the hot season as the mane can be very uncomfortable.
It is also heavy therefore reducing their speed when hunting.
Maybe this is one reason why lions leave all the hunting to their female counterparts.
The mane makes it look bigger and stronger than it really is.
When under attack, the mane puffs up and becomes fuller intimidating the enemy.
Lions without manes have been spotted in Kenya and Senegal.
In Kenya, they have been spotted in the Tsavo.
It is not quite known why the lack the mane.
Some researchers argue that weaker genes are the main cause.
Environmental factors may also play a minor role in this too.
The Tsavo man eaters did not have a mane a fact that baffles many researchers.

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