Relationship Between Pregnancy and Stretch Marks
Pregnancy and stretch marks usually go together.
Up to 90% of women get them during pregnancy.
Some have a lot while a few lucky ones have small and few scars only.
They are caused by rapid weight gain and the sudden stretching of your skin when you become large.
The skin usually can't keep up with the stretching due to the lack of elasticity and the tissue beneath the surface skin breaks and tears.
The damage causes the visible lines on your skin that are called stretch marks.
These marks begin to appear during the second half of pregnancy and can continue way after you give birth when you start losing weight.
The scars become more evident as you lose weight.
They are more common in some areas of the body such as the abdomen, breasts, buttocks and thighs.
There are ways to prevent and get rid of these ugly stretch marks.
Some remedies like creams take months to take effect while others, like laser surgery can remove the scars immediately.
It is important to know that the problem with pregnancy and stretch marks needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
The longer treatment is delayed the harder it will be to remove them.
Removal creams are best applied before the marks appear.
As soon as you know you are pregnant, you should already start applying the cream.
Using the cream in the early stages of pregnancy conditions the skin to tolerate the stretching that's about to happen.
Creams with cocoa butter work best.
Not only should you use the cream daily but every time after a shower or bath.
The warm water in your bath opens the pores of your skin, allowing the cream to be absorbed more quickly.
Let's remember that creams, oils and lotions work best before the scars appear and while the stretch marks are new and fresh.
It probably won't work with older marks that have already turned white or silver.
Laser surgery is also a good option especially if you can afford it.
It can be quite expensive but results are almost instant.
Don't let the word surgery scare you; it is actually an outpatient procedure that entails very little discomfort.
Healing time takes days or a couple of weeks.
Older marks may need more than one treatment and may not be eradicated completely.
At least they will be diminished and hardly be visible at all.
If you are thinking of laser surgery for your pregnancy and stretch marks problem, try to get it the soonest time after delivering your baby.
Fresh marks are easier to remove than old scars and will involve fewer sessions and less money out on your part.
In the case of creams that you will use while pregnant, double check that they are not contraindicated to pregnancy and lactating mothers.
These are some treatments for stretch marks, but you can also avoid eating too much during pregnancy to lessen the weight gain and stretching of the skin.
Up to 90% of women get them during pregnancy.
Some have a lot while a few lucky ones have small and few scars only.
They are caused by rapid weight gain and the sudden stretching of your skin when you become large.
The skin usually can't keep up with the stretching due to the lack of elasticity and the tissue beneath the surface skin breaks and tears.
The damage causes the visible lines on your skin that are called stretch marks.
These marks begin to appear during the second half of pregnancy and can continue way after you give birth when you start losing weight.
The scars become more evident as you lose weight.
They are more common in some areas of the body such as the abdomen, breasts, buttocks and thighs.
There are ways to prevent and get rid of these ugly stretch marks.
Some remedies like creams take months to take effect while others, like laser surgery can remove the scars immediately.
It is important to know that the problem with pregnancy and stretch marks needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
The longer treatment is delayed the harder it will be to remove them.
Removal creams are best applied before the marks appear.
As soon as you know you are pregnant, you should already start applying the cream.
Using the cream in the early stages of pregnancy conditions the skin to tolerate the stretching that's about to happen.
Creams with cocoa butter work best.
Not only should you use the cream daily but every time after a shower or bath.
The warm water in your bath opens the pores of your skin, allowing the cream to be absorbed more quickly.
Let's remember that creams, oils and lotions work best before the scars appear and while the stretch marks are new and fresh.
It probably won't work with older marks that have already turned white or silver.
Laser surgery is also a good option especially if you can afford it.
It can be quite expensive but results are almost instant.
Don't let the word surgery scare you; it is actually an outpatient procedure that entails very little discomfort.
Healing time takes days or a couple of weeks.
Older marks may need more than one treatment and may not be eradicated completely.
At least they will be diminished and hardly be visible at all.
If you are thinking of laser surgery for your pregnancy and stretch marks problem, try to get it the soonest time after delivering your baby.
Fresh marks are easier to remove than old scars and will involve fewer sessions and less money out on your part.
In the case of creams that you will use while pregnant, double check that they are not contraindicated to pregnancy and lactating mothers.
These are some treatments for stretch marks, but you can also avoid eating too much during pregnancy to lessen the weight gain and stretching of the skin.