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How to Make a Gift Basket - Roman Basket Making

History has it that the Romans had a rich culture of arts & crafts.
The Romans keen enthusiasm made them create timeless pieces of crafts using dyeing, basket making, weaving, woodturning, cooking iron working and metal casting.
Today too basket making is practiced but with more variations and details.
Basket making for those who know it is an event in itself.
Incase you too want to get up close with this art then it is better that we 1st learn the different types of types and methods of basket making.
Enlisted here are few details that would be vital to start this art: 1.
Let's first learn some fundamental terms: · Weaver: In here there are basket strands which have holes through which weaving is done, these are normally light, slimmer & more flexible as compared to spokes, this features allows for weaving inside out to take place.
· Spoke: In here the strands stands erect and form the support system of the basket; Spoke are rigid in nature compared to weavers & strong too.
· Inner & Upper weaving: This technique is the most common of all because it is the most simplest.
It must be known that double weaving is quite the same thing but there are two weavers implied for the job.
This type of weaving is ideal on big surfaces, it is good for bands or designs of similar or dissimilar color on plain type of rattan baskets.
Keep in mind that pairing can be done with either even or odd number of spokes.
2 weavers are used behind 2 succeeding spokes, thereafter they make a cross between them, in this process the weavers change each time.
How to notice a triple twist.
In here 3 weavers are there behind 3 successive spokes, beginning from back one, then above two & lastly the lesser spoke, each of these while going back of third spoke on being laid above other two weavers.
COILING: This method requires a group of strands or slim rods is sewed within round form having a slim, bendable element to make coiled baskets.
There are numerous variations of stitching methods like interweaving multi-colored strands and copper, golden or silver metallic strands could be used for added attractiveness.
TWINING: Even in this method 2 or more bendable items can be used to join some other base element.
Whenever 2 weavers work simultaneously, the method is known as pairing.
Similarly when 3 or in access of 3 elements are curved it is known as waling.
Many variations can be done just by binding rows hardly one row over the other or else by letting the warp be open, leaving a warp crossed, twining plain, wrapping the warp, among others.
WEAVING: There are two essentials in woven baskets.
The 1st being unbendable spokes that form a warp & 2nd being additionally soft elements that are woven inside to outside so that a weft is formed.
PLAITING: The process of stitching similar elements together is known as Plaiting.
Weavers & stakes are the same materials.
The two are woven to cojoin at right hand angles in vertical, horizontal and diagonal orientation in simple or twill weaves.
Plaiting can be done in either closed work or open checker-work.

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