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Trumpet Vine Information


    • Trumpet vine is a tropical broadleaf evergreen native to the United States. This vine is a seasonal bloomer that features trumpet- or bell-shaped flowers in bright colors. These flowers measure 3-1/2 inches in length, producing a strong, aromatic fragrance in the evening hours. Trumpet vine leaves are oblong and easily trained to wind around a fence or wall. It reaches up to 35 feet high.

    Cultural Requirements

    • Trumpet vine grows best in full sun. This vine requires low-to-medium amounts of water and has a high tolerance to drought. Well-draining soils are best for trumpet vine, such as sandy loam, sand, clay, limestone based, loam, medium loam and caliche type. These aggressive vines tolerate heat and cold weather well.


    • Trumpet vine is not poisonous to humans, but does cause skin irritation on contact in some people. Animals, such as cows and horses, may experience stomach discomfort, colic, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea if grazing on trumpet vine. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, these problems are most severe when trumpet vine is ingested in large quantities.


    • Trumpet vine is generally pest resistant, but does suffer damage from caterpillars. The trumpet vine sphinx moth attacks this vine and damages the plant in its larval form. The adult moth is a large, brown or light-gray moth that lays its eggs on trumpet vine. This vine is moderately deer resistant, but suffers damage in areas with high deer populations. Trumpet vine is a source of nectar for hummingbirds and long-tongued bees. Trumpet vine does not suffer damage from any serious diseases.

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