Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

How to Calculate Returns With Percentage Differences

    • 1). Subtract the current value of your investment from the amount you put in initially. That is, if you put in $200 and your return is $300, you should wind up with $100 in your calculation.

    • 2). Divide the amount you have from step 1 (that is, the amount you have now minus the amount you initially put in) by the amount you put in initially. If you originally had $200, and the calculation from step 1 gave you $100, you should divide $100 by $200.

    • 3). Multiply the amount you get from the division by 100, and you will have the percentage difference on your return. In other words, if you have .5 from your calculation in step two, multiply it by 100 to get 50 percent.

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