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Easy to Follow Steps to Clean Windowpanes

Window adds to the beauty of your home, like no other.  If you want to keep your window pristine for years to come, then you need to clean them on regular basis.  The windowpanes are most susceptible to dirt, grime and dust build-ups. The kind of cleaning techniques you usually apply for other object around home, will not necessarily work with window glasses. You need to administer lot of care and precaution; a slightest negligence on your side can permanently mar the beauty of the windowpanes. Listed below are step-by-step guidelines on how to go about caring for your window.

Step 1  - Fill a tub with lukewarm water and add 1tablespoon of regular dishwashing solution to the water. Gently stir up the water until it is foamy.

Step 2 - Dip a clean cloth in the water and wring out the excess. Slowly start cleaning the windowsills, panes and metal border with the wet rag. If the water gets too dirty, refill it with fresh water.

Step 3 - Fill a bucket with warm water and add ¼ cup of ammonia to the water. Whisk until the ingredients blend well. Dip a soft cloth to the solution and wipe down your windowpanes again.

Step 4 - Once squeaky clean, give your window glasses a final wipe with clean dry rag until the window glasses are visibly dry and clean.

Step 5 – If you are hesitant to use harsh chemicals to clean your window, you can always resort to natural alternatives.  Mix 1 cup vinegar in a half bucket of cold water. Stir the solution with a spoon until all the ingredients blends well. Fill the mixture in a spray bottle and shake it. Spray the solution liberally on the window. Allow it to remain on the windowpanes for few minutes, before scrubbing it clean with a lint free cloth. For better results, wipe the window from left to right, rather than cleaning it up and down.

Step 6 – While wiping down your window, make sure not to rub it rigorously, use gently strokes instead. Allow a thin film of uniform moisture to remain on the window. The film once dry will not leave any streaks behind.

Step 7 - Avoid using squeegee or similar such tools while cleaning your window. The squeegee leaves unsightly streaks behind, making the window look dirtier.

Handy tips

•    In order to minimize the streaks caused due to water, try drying it immediately with soft paper towels.

•    Vinegar and water solution comes in handy to clean host other things including kitchen countertops, glass vases and picture frames.

•    Refrain from using vinegar, when dealing with tempered glasses as the harsh properties present in vinegar can damage the surface beyond repair.

•    Avoid using abrasive tools like scouring bristles and razor blades while cleaning your window. The tools will damage the laminate film usually present on the glass beyond repair.

•    Never embark on a cleaning project without first having a proper safety gear in place. While dusting your window, make sure to put on a safety mask and cleaning gloves.

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