Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gout Causes - 3 Lifestyle Mistakes You"re Making That Cause Painful Gout Attacks

There are many gout causes out there that can cause your chances of having a painful gout attack to sky-rocket and I'm willing to bet you're doing several of them without even knowing it.
The good news is that these bad habits are easy to correct and can dramatically decrease your chances of having a gout attack.
Eating Foods High in Purines
Purines are a chemical found in many foods including various fish, meats and shellfish among others.
When these foods are ingested they are broken down and the purines become uric acid.
The uric acid then builds up and if enough of it is present it will from the painful crystals that cause gout.
Beer is also high in purines so be sure to avoid that as well when adjusting your diet.
Not Getting Enough Exercise
It has been show in recent studies that people who are over weight have a higher chance of getting gout than their healthy counterparts.
Another great benefit to regular exercise and stretching is maintaining good joint health.
Healthy joints have better cartilage and can help reduce the chances of getting gout an lessen pain during a gout attack.
Poor Breathing Habits
When we exhale we expel carbon dioxide and help to maintain the bodies ph.
Improper or shallow breathing does a poor job of elimination this waste and can lead to the body becoming more acidic.
Try breathing exercises to learn to control your breathing and make a habit of taking deep, long breaths instead of short, shallow breaths.
Bonus Tip: Drink Lots of Water It's a well-known fact that gout has a much harder time forming in a well hydrated body.
Water is an excellent way to help balance your pH and during a gout attack you should be drinking 1 to 3 liters a day or 1/2 your body weight in ounces.
Don't get too crazy though there is a condition known as water intoxication that can be fatal.
Just don't try and drink 5 gallons at once or anything stupid like that any you will be fine.

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