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The Secret To Keeping Magic Alive Into Your Small Business

The Secret To Keeping Magic Alive Into Your Small Business
(Or How Walt Disney Can Help You Unlock the Secret to Business Success)

Some women marry into a family of sailors or charade-players. Instead, I married into a family of Disneyland aficionados. On our most recent trip to the happiest place on earth, I couldn't help but notice how skillfully Disney designs a complete family experience. My entrepreneurial antennae went up and I couldn't help but note what my entrepreneur clients (and you too) can learn about small business success from Disney's expertise.

A Business Growth Crash Course From Disneyland:

1) Have a clear value proposition - Disneyland knows it wants to be the "happiest place on earth" and everything about Disneyland conveys this goal. From parades to characters with perpetually smiling faces who will sign autographs, hug and high five kids all day long, Disney understands every family should leave there having had a "fun and magical day." What main take-away do you want your customers to have from interacting with your company? Is this woven throughout your whole customer experience?

2) Don't Skimp on the Details - Not only are the rides in Disney carefully designed and implemented, but even the waiting lines are orchestrated to feel shorter with ride-specific layouts and jokes. On the few rides where we zipped through to the main attraction, I was almost disappointed to miss the lead-up to the ride which can be just as fun. Make sure that your customer's full experience is well designed and consistent, from your first contact through buying your product, and even ending your contract. Take a step back and consider how it would feel to experience your business's process as a consumer would. (e.g. perhaps anonymously contact your customer support line and see how smoothly your issue is handled.)

3) Set Expectations Accurately - Desperate to entertain my antsy sons on one of the longer Disney lines, I came up with a competition to see who could most accurately guess the wait-time from where we were standing to actually boarding the ride. Everyone guessed and then watched my watch timer to determine who the "winner" and "losers" were
of my oh-so-innovative game (Note: The game did succeed and winning became a badge of honor for my sons.) Although my guesses were often wildly optimistic, Disney wasn't; if you bet the time on the ride sign telling you the wait time "from this point," you were most often within a few minutes of the true time. Keep your promise to your customers on timing, money, and everything else, that's the foundation of repeat business and referrals.

4) Don't Be Afraid To Innovate - A few years ago Disney introduced Single Rider Lines. This allows the lone traveller, or a group willing to split up, the chance to board a ride more quickly depending on how many empty seats there are as the cars fill up. What Disney has created is a win-win option. For people whose biggest priority is to ride more quickly, they can sit with random strangers but wait less time. For everyone else, there's no disadvantage to having a fuller car. Are there ways that your business can easily serve more customers without changing the service level offered to your current clients? It can be your win-win solution to more consistent cash flow.

5) Make Magic - I've been to many theme parks and amusement parks (what can I say, I love rides!) And many of them are really well done. But for me none of them packs that same magical feeling as Disney. From the parades with the music and dancing, to the fireworks, to the stylized shops on Main St., Disney creates an entertainment experience that feels all encompassing and special. What's truly exceptional about your business? What would your customers say makes you stand-out?

While I know that you might not aspire to own and operate the behemoth machine that is Disney, it's still worth reflecting how your business is truly special and how you can do even better. To inspire you in this direction, here's a simple exercise for you to do this coming week:

Ask 3-5 customers or clients "What stands out for you about my company, ________?"

Not only will you learn if your customers see the same value proposition you do in your business, but you are likely initiating great conversations and feedback that can energize your business growth efforts and lead to even greater entrepreneurial success.

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