Travel & Places Budget Travel

Discount Travel Club Savings Can Far Outweigh the Fees by Hundreds to Over a Thousand Dollars!

Do the SAVINGS of joining a discount travel club OUTWEIGH the membership fees? They certainly CAN, and I can explain how a discount travel club can SAVE you hundreds to over a thousand dollars.
It's quite clear that folks join discount travel clubs to save money on their leisure vacations.
But reluctant people are concern about the fees that discount travel clubs charge.
Will they actually save after paying these fees? Before we go any further, how about we do some discount travel club math.
Save Over $1,000 with No Monthly Fees! Let's begin with the example of a $199 initiation fee and a monthly membership fee of $24.
95 per person ...
as I will explain later, you can AVOID paying monthly membership fees.
Included in this example is a vacation with over $800 in SAVINGS from the cheapest online rate.
You can see you are already ahead of the game.
Take one or two more vacations during a calendar year with -- for example $500 more in DISCOUNTS -- and notice how FAST the savings ACCUMULATE.
That's at least $802 in TOTAL SAVINGS folks! And keep in mind that I'm including, in this example, the monthly fee and the one-time initiation fee that you will never see again after you complete your first membership year.
But it gets even BETTER! What if you didn't have to PAY those monthly membership fees? I will use in my example one club that WAIVES the monthly fee if you refer four other people, and they become members.
Without those monthly fees, you have now ACCUMULATED over $1,000 in SAVINGS.
Is everyone with me? Now let us ask this question: Are travel clubs for everyone? If you haven't taken a leisure vacation for several years, you are without question wasting your money.
Read no more.
If you only take short road trips, read no more.
If you take at least one ...
or even better yet ...
two or more longer-distanced trips per year, absolutely! The more vacations you take, the more VALUE you get out of your membership.
Over 350 Vacations is a Good Starting Point The other main reason people join discount travel clubs are the quality and the number of vacations offered.
It's understandable that you want vacations that fit your interests and needs.
Look for a travel club that offers, for example, MORE than 350 dream vacations per year.
Make sure it includes a number of four- and five-star hotels and resorts.
This many vacations allow you to pick and choose the very best vacation for you and your family.
Are you looking for a tropical paradise in the South Pacific or in the Caribbean, an all-inclusive resort in Cancun, a history tour of Europe, the entertainment of Las Vegas, or the excitement of the Super Bowl? The more variety of vacations to choose from, the more likely you will find one that gets you all pumped up and excited! Overlooked Benefit -- Making Lots of Friends! Don't OVERLOOK another key benefit that perhaps you are not even thinking about ...
all the friends you will make during your vacation.
You are not alone.
Discount travel clubs have a tour-group-like element.
You will likely be vacationing with a NUMBER of other members who share a common interest with you.
You will be attending with fellow members the same scheduled events and attractions.
You will be SITTING TOGETHER during meals included in the itinerary.
Many of you will explore together any optional attractions and eating establishments.
This can be the most MEMORABLE and FUN part of any travel club vacation.
Bob Goodin is a travel club member who recently took an all-inclusive vacation to Los Cabos, Mexico.
Bob told me he spent a great deal of his time with other discount travel club members.
In fact, he told me there were a total of 36 members on this vacation.
Let me recap folks! Don't MISS this very important element that should be a part of any vacation.
YOU don't want to travel alone ...
right? So whether it's saving LOTS of money, finding a variety of vacations, and meeting a number of people, these clubs have GREAT advantages.
The savings can far outweigh the membership fees.

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