Bobwhite Quail Information
- This is a small bird with a plump body weighing 6 or 7 oz .and measuring 8 to 11 inches in length. It has a short, stout beak; powerful feet and claws; reddish-brown, black and white feathers; and a gray tail.
- During the late summer and autumn, they roam farm fields for food. During the spring and early summer, they hide in high grass to protect their nests and young. During the winter, they take cover in brushy fence lines, hedgerows, hazel, raspberry and grapevine thickets.
- Bobwhite quails are foragers who eat seasonal fruits, insects, grass seeds and acorns.
- During late April and early May, male bobwhites secure small territories with their whistling sounds and try to attract the attention of females by fanning their tails, lowering their heads and making bowing motions.
- The male and female bobwhites make a nest together out of grass and dead leaves inside a shallow depression. The female lays one egg a day until she gets 10 to 15 eggs. The male and female take turns incubating the eggs for a total of 23 days.