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Brain and Nervous System Directories

Brain and Nervous System Directories

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Medical ReferenceRelated to Brain & Nervous System

  1. The Right ADHD Treatment for You

    Which drugs treat adult ADHD? Will counseling help? Get insights.
  2. Stimulant Drugs for ADHD

    Most children and adults who take stimulants to treat ADHD respond well to the medications. WebMD provides an overview of the types of stimulants available to treat this condition.
  3. Drug Treatments for ADHD

    Get information on the drugs available to treat ADHD.
  4. Drug Combinations to Treat ADHD in Children

    WebMD explains drug combinations that are used to treat children and teens with ADHD.
  5. Treatment for Epilepsy

    WebMD explains various treatment options for epilepsy.
  6. Drugs for Children With Epilepsy

    Advances in epilepsy drug research have made a real difference in the lives of children with the disease. WebMD tells you more.
  7. Epilepsy Drugs to Treat Seizures

    WebMD explains the various drugs used to treat epilepsy and seizures, including side effects.
  8. Understanding Epilepsy -- Diagnosis and Treatment

    Read about epilepsy, including how it's diagnosed and treated.
  9. Working With Your Doctor for the Best Epilepsy Treatment

    If you've just been diagnosed with epilepsy, you will want to know all your options for treatment. WebMD explains various medications and surgical options to control seizures.
  10. Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome

    The details about this rare form of epilepsy.

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