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Madden 05 PS2 Cheats

    • The long-running Madden football game series returned to the Sony PlayStation 2 with the title Madden 2005. The game includes updated teams and rosters. To access some cheats in the game, select "My Madden" at the main menu. Pick "Madden Codes" in the "Madden Cards" selection screen and then enter the cheat code.

    No Turnovers

    • If you use the cheat code "X78P9Z," you will have a mistake-free game. You cannot fumble the ball or throw interceptions after you enter this code.

    Steel Toe

    • Your kicker will sail the ball through the uprights with the code "I76X3T," known as "Da Boot" in the game. You will still have to accurately direct the kicks, but he can hit field goals from an unlimited distance.

    Loss of Down

    • It can be hard enough to get a first down in football with four downs, much less only three. That is the position you will put your opponent in if you enter the cheat code "Z28X8K." He will always have only three downs to get 10 yards for the first down.

    Tight Fit

    • Make kicks tough for your foe. If you use the cheat code "V34L6D," your opponent will have to make kicks through narrow arena-football-size goal posts.

    Half the Distance

    • Make things easier for yourself with this code. With the "First and Five" cheat code "O72E9B," you will only have to gain five yards for a first down.

    Mobile Quarterback

    • Your quarterback will juke and evade with wild abandon if you use the cheat code "Y59R8R." He cannot be sacked in the game with this cheat turned on.

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