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Zygor Guides 3 - Pros and Cons

Some say that leveling in World of Warcraft is easy.
I will not argue with that, it is easy.
Even so, there are still a lot of players out there who take a very long time to get to the level cap.
I know because I was one of them.
I saw with my own eyes that getting a character to the maximum level in the game is not difficult, it is just time consuming.
I'm sure you have been there too.
You take quests and start doing them.
Two hours later, you find yourself out in the field trying to get to a chest in the middle of a camp filled with strong mobs.
Four hours later, you return to turn in the quests and find that you made half a level.
After 60 levels of the same thing, I decided to do something about it.
So I began looking for a leveling guide for WoW.
My searches showed me Zygor Guides 3.
It is called like that because there were other versions of the Zygor WoW leveling guide.
I was fortunate enough to find the latest one, which turned out to be the solution to all of my problems.
These are the Pros to why you should get Zygor Guides 3:
  • This new Zygor WoW leveling guide has a redesigned UI that is smaller than the previous ones.
    It will not take as much room on your screen and it can also be minimized and maximized at will.
  • Zygor Guides 3 has been completely re-written.
    Since Cataclysm changed World of Warcraft so much, the leveling guide has been completely revamped to match all the new content.
  • When you install Zygor WoW leveling guide, you won't need any other third party software to be able to use the in-game arrow system.
    Everything you will need will be in the guide itself.
  • This leveling guide will be perfect for started characters also.
    It has a brand-new feature called the Smart Injection System.
    This will analyze your quest journal and tell you exactly where to start using the guide.
These are the Cons to why you would have to think twice before getting Zygor WoW leveling guide:
  • The guide might start to get glitches when using it on a Mac computer.
    I have friends who told me that Zygor Guides 3 might get bugged once in a while, but nothing serious.
    A restart of the game usually solves the issue.
  • There are a lot of instructions on the on-screen guide.
    I found that to be a little tiring, but it will be very useful for a newbie and such.
  • Think well before buying just one faction leveling guide.
    If you want to get the other one too afterwards, you will have to pay the full price as well.
Personally, I think that the "bad parts" of Zygor WoW leveling guide are puny in comparison to the "good parts".
And what you will get in the end, is a complete and modern guide that will help anyone level up a brand new toon and even continue leveling a started toon without any problems.
I definitely recommend Zygor Guides 3.

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