Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Delhi Bus Services

Delhi is not only the capital of India but is also a home to a huge population and is considered a well known industrial establishment. Every morning, one can witness a mad rush among the people trying to reach their offices on time. Apart from other modes of transport such as auto rickshaws and taxis, Delhi bus services are considered the best available mode of transport which is affordable to the common man and makes them reach their destination on time.

The DTC or the Delhi Transport Corporation is the machinery behind successful transport related services in the city. Delhi Transport Corporation provides intercity bus services within city and adjoining areas. Delhi Transport Corporation services in Delhi has vastly distributed network of bus services. This state government run organization is responsible for the running of not only local bus services but also services connecting the near by cities as well as neighboring nation of Pakistan. It also runs special bus services transporting people to various other modes of transport such as the airport and Metro railway. Following are various transport options of Delhi bus services:

Intra Delhi Bus Services
Metro feeder Bus Services
Inter state Bus Services
High capacity Bus Services

Delhi Lahore Bus Services
Special Services of Delhi NCR to IGI Airport
Hop on Hop off bus services for tourists

Apart from the above mentioned services, Delhi Transport Corporation are also running on the Ring Road known as Mudrika and the Outer Ring Road known as Bahri Mudrika.

Less known fact about the bus services.There are many interesting facts about Delhi Bus Services that the common man is unaware of though there are many who travel in them on a daily basis. One of the very less known facts about DTC is that it is one of the main and in fact the largest providers of transport services which offer CNG or compressed natural gas run vehicles in the country. Established in 1948, it is also one of the longest running service providers in the country.

Today, Delhi bus services have become synonymous for reliable bus service on which people can count on. People prefer it not only to travel within the city but also for nearby places. People traveling to the neighboring country of Pakistan prefer the bus services more than any other means of traveling between the two nations. Indeed, Delhi bus services have played an important role in bridging relations and will continue to do so.

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