Technology Electronics

How to Add a Sub in Parallel to Rear Speakers

    • 1). Cut two lengths of speaker wire that will reach from the AV receiver to the sub, stripping off 1/2 inch of insulation from the wires on both ends.

    • 2). Connect the wires from the receiver's rear-speaker OUT terminals to the speaker Inputs on the back of the sub, using the red wire for the positive terminal and the other wire for the negative. Lift the spring-loaded clips on the back of the receiver and sub to reveal holes for inserting the wires.

    • 3). Cut two lengths of speaker wire that will reach from the subwoofer to each rear-channel speaker, stripping off 1/2 inch of insulation from the wires on both ends.

    • 4). Attach the wires from the subwoofer Output jacks to the terminals on the back of each rear speaker.

    • 5). Adjust the crossover control knob on the back of the sub to the desired frequency for separating audio signals. For example, setting the crossover to 60 Hz will direct all audio frequencies below 60 Hertz to the subwoofer for producing bass, and all frequencies above 60 Hertz will be directed to the rear speakers. The result is increased speaker efficiency for cleaner sound, leaving the subwoofer to handle the heavy lifting.

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