Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Ideas to Help You Age Well and Live a Long Healthy Life!

People with Type 2 diabetes can face a lifetime of complications and problems associated with their disease.
However, just like anyone else with a life-threatening illness, people with diabetes can also make better lifestyle choices to improve their chances of living a long, healthy life.
At no other time in history have we seen so many people over forty-five...
the so-called baby boom generation.
This may, in part, account for the increase in Type 2 diabetes, as well as other age-related disease.
It is said the lifestyle and dietary habits you practice before reaching forty-five, count either against you or for you...
However, a healthy diet and active lifestyle will go a long way in helping you to age well and live a long and healthy life.
Aging well for diabetics is the same as it is for anyone else.
Let's take a look at some tips to help you age well and live your best life: First of all, you should always eat well no matter what your weight or age.
Focus on getting proper nutrients, and your body will do the rest.
Fill yourself full of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as complex carbohydrates in the form of whole grains.
Eat lots of green leafy vegetables, juice often and have a moderate diet plan that excludes most processed foods.
Junk food and fast food will not allow you to age well! Another important part of aging well would be to make exercise a part of your everyday routine.
Start your day off with at least 30 minutes of exercise that will get your heart rate up and pumping.
Not only will it help you age better, but it will give you more energy throughout the day.
People who sit at a desk all day or do other sedentary work, especially need to get more exercise throughout the day to pump the blood through their body and rejuvenate their energy.
Having a great circle of support is also helpful to aging well.
Maintain close friendships and interact with beloved family members.
You only get one chance at this life, so make relationships that count.
You also need to find a good healthcare practitioner and see them on a regular basis.
By catching any health problems well in advance, you can help to protect yourself from experiencing complications or other life-threatening challenges.
If you're doing everything you can at home, your doctor can evaluate you for any issues that may come up.
Finally, you may want to consider taking nutritional supplements that will help you.
This might include omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil supplements.
The standard dose is about 500 to 1,000 milligrams one to three times daily with food.
You might also need to take a vitamin D supplement as most people are deficient in this very important nutrient.
A vitamin D deficiency leaves many at risk for numerous diseases and disorders.
Various information reveals a vitamin D deficiency is one of the most commonly unrecognized medical conditions, a condition that leaves millions at risk of developing not only osteoporosis and fractures, but also numerous serious and other fatal diseases such as:
  • several common cancers,
  • infectious diseases, and
  • heart disease.
In addition, it might help to take some fiber to improve your digestive function.
Everyone is different and may need supplements that are unique to them.
It is crucial to keep in mind studies regarding diet, lifestyle and Type 2 diabetes are still unclear; but experts agree there is a strong relationship between living a long healthy life and activity levels, weight, and diet.

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