Home & Garden Architecture

How to Take Care of Solar Panels

    • 1). Spray down your panel with a hose twice or more times a year in the morning hours, depending on the conditions in which the solar panel resides. If your panel is dirty, the amount of sunlight able to get through decreases and thus energy production decreases. Bird droppings and pollen affect the panel most often, so if you notice these on your panel rinse as soon as possible. Difficult stains can be removed with a product like Windex.

    • 2). Inspect the panel while you are cleaning it for cracks in the glass. Solar panels most often malfunction because of water damage. If you notice any cracks, fill the crack with a high-temperature silicon seal.

    • 3). Inspect wire connections as well for any sign of damage or decay. If you find a damaged wire, replace it immediately. Keep these connections clean and as dry as possible.

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