Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

What to Do and Not to Do Following a Vehicle Collision

Have you recently been involved in a car accident in Hawaii? You probably have many questions about what steps you need to take next.
Generally speaking, there are several actions that you can and should do in the days and weeks following your vehicle collision in order to protect your possible injury claim.
Amongst the most imperative steps is that you take some form of action immediately.
While you don't want to act rashly, typically, the faster you act, the better your probability of a just resolution to your vehicle crash case.
Here are some of the most basic steps to take immediately immediately proceeding your vehicle collision that can significantly assist your injury lawyer: First, seek any necessary medical attention; Next, call the police; Cooperate with any involved emergency or law enforcement authorities; You may want to document the events surrounding the accident; You should consider documenting injuries; Acquire the names, phone numbers and addresses of witnesses to the accident; Contact your insurance company; Get pictures of relevant evidence such as your injuries and damages to your car; and Contact a local car accident lawyer.
Unfortunately, far too many crash victims take misguided and uniformed actions.
In these instances, the victim may be unintentionally hurting their accident injury case.
Here are some examples of these common and unfortunate mistakes: Moving your vehicle from the accident site unless required for safety or by law; Waiting in a hazardous area after an accident; Fleeing the scene of the accident until the police advise you to do so; Discarding evidence, such as your torn or blood-stained clothing; Admit fault or accept blame (those discussions are for the court); Apologize for anything relating to the car accident (this could be construed as an admission of guilt); or Accept a settlement prior to contacting a car accident attorney.
In Hawaii, when you have suffered injuries in a serious car accident, you need to be aware of the specific issues pertaining to injures cases specifically under Hawaii law.

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