Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

Top 5 Reasons For Owning A Wood Door Mat

About half of the dust that tries to get inside your home on the shoes of your family and friends is trapped by a wood door mat. These simple yet effective devices are aesthetically pleasing and offer the user a variety of benefits. Here now are the top five reasons for owning one:

1.A wood door mat saves you money

Spending a little more money on a wooden, quality doormat will actually save you money in the long run. That's because after other cheaper doormats have fallen apart and ceased to function, you have to spend money buying a replacement. At the same time, woo door mats keep out harmful particles that can cause disease, so you save money on the medicines you would be buying to alleviate cold and flu symptoms caused by these particles getting tracked indoors.

Many people also choose to spend large amounts of money on air purifiers and dehumidifiers when oftentimes all they really need is a good doormat. At the same time, you can spend less money on cleaning products, because with a wood door mat there are fewer footprints and things to be swept up or dusted off.

2.A wood door mat saves you time

Closely aligned with saving you money, a wooden doormat also saves you time. First off, you spend less time cleaning or having to hire a company to clean for you if you practice some damage control right at the front doorstep. Second, if you use a doormat you keep out many bacterial and viral particles that cling to dust and get tracked inside your house. This means you and your family will spend less time being sick and more time getting on with your lives.

3.A wood door mat keeps you healthier

The majority of cold and flu-like symptoms, breathing complications and ailments, nasal inflammations, mouth sores and sore throats are caused by unclean air. And even if the air is not the cause, bacteria and dust will often aggravate a previous condition.

The same bacterial, fungal and viral particles that travel through the air also get attached to dust, which acts as sort of transportation system to get whatever disease inside your home. The less unclean air particles get tracked inside, the better and a doormat assumes this function admirably.

4.A wood door mat is good for all types of terrain

People who live in different parts of the country, or parts of the world for that matter, have different needs when it comes to keeping dirt and dust out of their homes. For instance, someone who lives in a rural area will have to deal with higher levels of dirt and dust, which during a rainstorm turns into a nasty mud.

People living in urban areas have a lower overall level of dust and dirt, but then have to deal with things often found in cities, like oil and other liquid spills, gum, and other things that can stick to shoes and get tracked inside. Having a wood door mat on your front step greatly lessens the amount of dust that gets tracked indoors, no matter where you live.

5.A wood doormat lets you show your creative side

Unlike some of the other duller, functional accessories in your home, a wooden doormat can be an expression of you and your interests. For instance, doormats come in many colors, shapes, designs and textures. Many people also set out special doormats during holidays and other special occasions. In addition, one nice thing about wood doormats in particular is that they can oftentimes be engraved with a personalized name or message of your choosing.

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