Technology Software

What Is the File Extension Lwtp?


    • A file with the lwtp extension is known as a LimeWire theme pack.


    • A file with the lwtp file extension contains a skin or set of graphics that allows you to change the appearance of LimeWire to match your personal tastes or interests. The lwtp file extension serves as a marker to your computer, signaling that the file requires LimeWire to be accessed.


    • Lwtp files are available from a number of third-party websites. Some sites offer lwtp files free of charge, but others require users to pay a per-download or monthly fee.


    • In order for a lwtp file to function properly on a Windows-based computer, you must save the file within the "Themes" subfolder under the "LimeWire" folder found within your "Documents and Settings" folder. On a Mac, lwtp files must be saved under the "Themes" subfolder of the "LimeWire" program folder found under the "Settings" folder in your computer's library.


    • To install the skin contained in the lwtp file, select "Apply Skin" under the "View" menu.

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