Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

The One Traffic Secret You Need to Know

Traditional free methods, such as optimizing one's site for the search engines, is time consuming and Google is fickle.
Paid methods, such as Google AdWords, are getting more expensive by the day.
So, what is the solution? This article will disclose a method of generating traffic that even some of the marketing "gurus" are not aware of! The Internet is becoming more "social"than ever before.
The so called "Web 2.
0" sites are dramatically increasing all the time.
These social networking sites receive huge amounts of traffic.
While most people are aware of the popularity of social networking sites, they tend to overlook the popularity of forums.
Forums are Internet "communities" of individuals who share similar interests or hobbies.
Members of forums post topics that are up for "discussion" by other members.
A discussion topic, and the follow up posts by the members, are called "threads".
Forums have either published rules, or socially accepted rules of etiquette.
Generally speaking, no promoting of goods or services is accepted.
When first joining a forum, it is best to be "low-key".
Introduce yourself in a professional manner, and than sit back and read what other members are saying.
It is wise not to contribute too much at first.
After several visits to the forums, gradually start to post threads.
The nature of your threads will determine how interested the members of the forum are in what you have to say.
While selling or promoting goods and services is forbidden, members of most forums are allowed to post a url in the signature line at the end of a post.
To create interest in your threads, and traffic to your website, the key is to be controversial.
Select topics that you are familiar with and passionate about, and when the opportunity presents itself, take an opposite point of view.
The more controversial that you become, the more members will be drawn to you.
You certainly should not be rude or offensive, just defend an unpopular point of view.
Once your reputation is established on any given forum, move on to a new forum and repeat the process.
Pretty soon, lots of "eyeballs" are going to be drawn to your website in addition to your threads! Probably the best source of little known traffic generating tips can be had at Renegade University.
Mike Klingler's FREE membership site offers excellent step by step video tutorials on all phases of drawing prospects to your website.
He is an expert on traffic generation by leveraging the popularity of social networking sites.
Check it out now!

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