Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Discover How to Melt Fat Quickly and Get in The Best Shape of Your Life in Time for Summer 2011

If you're like most people you probably made some type of goal or resolution where you promised yourself that you would get a body you could proud of this year.
Unfortunately if you're like most people you're also having trouble because you've probably already given up or maybe you never even got started.
Today I'd like to share with you what you need to do to get back and track so you can get that sexy beach body by summer.
The first thing you need to do is ask yourself if you have what it takes to get the body you want.
It isn't going to be easy and you have to be real with yourself.
If you have to exercise 4 times per week for 30-45 minutes are you willing to do that? Are you also willing to get rid of the junk food in your diet and replace it with healthier food? Do you have the time commitment that is necessary to live a healthier lifestyle? These questions aren't supposed to discourage you but instead they're supposed to help you understand what you need to do.
The next tip is to keep some type of a journal or notebook of your success.
Doing this is important because you'll be able to see what type of food you're eating and for how long you're exercising.
Also write down certain things like how much you weigh at least once per week.
You can even take pictures of yourself and put them in your journal.
After doing this for at least a month it will be fun for you to look back and see just how much progress you've made.

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