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Kitchen Remodeling: Tips For Success

A successful kitchen remodeling project can be a very rewarding experience which not only adds beauty and value to your home but can give you the feel of living in a different home altogether.
An unsuccessful project can throw your life into a tailspin which will be hard to forget.
After 21 years as a cabinetmaker here are a few ways that I have found to keep the deck stacked in your favor.
Start at the beginning The lure of new flooring,cabinets and counter tops can cause us to get a little bit ahead of ourselves when it comes to getting started.
A successful project should start several weeks ahead of time by starting a journal of the positives and negatives of your current kitchen.
Yes the avocado green appliances have to go but am I happy with their location? I like my sink window but I wish it was a little bigger,can this be done? By writing down all of these things you will be better able to convey your idea of a perfect kitchen to your contractor(s).
Have a Budget...
and Stick to it Having a realistic budget is imperative to success.
By doing some research ahead of time you can get a general idea of what things are going to cost and this will allow you to plan accordingly.
Don't overlook things like inspection and permit fees, switch plate covers and light bulbs.
These small items can really add up to substantial costs overall.
Hiring a Professional to Do the Work You have your plan and budget, now it's time to for the interview process.
Finding the right contractor is the most important part of the process.
Have questions written down ahead of time and don't be shy about asking them.
Here are a few you can start with, How long have you been doing this? Are you licensed and insured? Can I see past projects and talk to past customers? What's included in the estimate? What is the time frame for the project? If the estimate is accepted when can you start? Follow the Correct Sequence Don't overlook the sequence of events involving your project.
By following a logical order you will end up saving time and money.
Here is the schedule that seems to work the best:
  • Demolition (tear out of existing flooring, cabinets, windows and counter tops)
  • Re-framing of new walls and windows (inspection)
  • Rough-in electrical and plumbing (inspection)
  • Insulation (inspection)
  • Drywall
  • Painting-wall primer
  • Cabinet installation
  • Counter top installation
  • Final electrical and plumbing (inspection)
  • Final painting
  • Flooring
  • Touch ups
Kitchen remodeling can be stressful even if everything goes according to plan but can become unbearable if you didn't have a plan from the start.

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