Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Generating Passive Income Through Your Writing

Earning passive income on-line can be a trying and difficult process.
even for some of the best writers around.
Just the shear quantity of writing that is required in order to generate true and substantial income can be overwhelming to most.
Insurmountable for many.
When we talk about the possibility of generating income using writing, we are not talking about writing a few little informative articles and watching the dollars pour in.
No, we are talking about hundreds and hundreds of articles, spread all over the place, in order to generate monthly income that may only be dollars.
Yeah, I am sorry to inform you all, but writing for dollars is truly a task, not for the faint of heart.
You will need to be willing to dedicate hours and hours to this task.
Spreading your knowledge over many different websites, writing and rewriting articles that are similar but different, just in order to create your presence on-line.
Some people will tell you, start with one site, and build up a nice portfolio of work, like maybe a hundred articles, then move to the next site, and do it all over again.
Well, my friend, I am here to tell you this is the wrong way to do it! Yeah, I am going to go against what all the so call professionals may tell you and tell you something that is far more powerful, something that will help you fight through your writers block and trudge forward in your quest of the mighty Internet dollar.
You want to know what my secret is? Don't worry, you don't have to buy anything, I am not here to sell some wonder program that will do all the work for you.
Unfortunately, that is just not the way it works.
But, what does work is, instead of setting up one account and writing and writing all different sorts of articles.
Set up many accounts with many sites, there are lots out there.
Helium, Hub-Pages, eHow, EzineArticles, Squidoo, and Associated Content are just the tip of the ice burg.
The point is, to have several different accounts, so, when that next idea hits and you start to write, guess what, you write the same type of article on all of your different sites.
Why not keep the juices flowing? If your writing about fly fishing on Helium, why not, after you get done there, jump over to eHow and write a how to about fly fishing? And then, go to Hubpages, write a hub about the wonders of fly fishing.
You see what I am getting at? Personally, what I find hardest about writing articles in order to earn passive income is, I just plum run out of ideas.
And I stall.
But stalling is a killer, I would never reach my goals if I had five article posted on Helium and then just ran out of thoughts.
See, if I have five ideas, and I spread those same five ideas over 3 or 4 or 5 different sites, now my five ideas are fifteen ideas, or twenty or even more.
Now, although this is an important tip, there are still a couple other things that are just as important.
Number one is quality.
People can see quality, and you will be rewarded for quality.
People are not so stupid and can smell a skunk of an article from a mile away.
And do you know what happens then? They run, they don't read, they don't look for more work by you, they just turn and never look back.
This is a big no no, this eliminates any chance that they may link to your article in the future, or "Digg it", or whatever their means are to let others know that they found a gem.
And this leads me to the second important issue that you will have to tackle if you truly want to generate passive income, and that is back-links.
Learn the word and learn what it means.
Back-links are links to your articles that are on other websites.
These links not only give people another means to find your work, but they also tell search engines like Google that what you are doing is something that is pertinent and worth reading, and this my friend is gold.
Because once the search engines feel that what you have done is worthy, they will find your link and they will add you to their searches for whatever your articles are about.
This means being seen by hundreds and thousands of people all over the world, just by getting your articles ranked well in search engines.
So, happy writing.
And remember, writing the articles is only part of the battle, standing up and making sure people see are is the other.
Both are tricky to say the least, but both are done, every single day by everyday joes, just like you and me.
Good luck, and thank you for reading

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