Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Amalgam - Modern Teeth Treatment

Decaying teeth and cavities are simply man's biggest challenge and it has been like this since time immemorial.
The modern generation is fortunate to have the best dental health care available that could never have been possible in the olden days.
Modern teeth treatment methods have been discovered and the most popular one is called amalgam.
This product has been around for a whole century or so and continues to be wholly trusted by both the dentists and their patients.
This is because of the stable way it has been used over the years and it continues to do its job perfectly and affordably.
Just have a look at what goes into this wonder product.
There are many metals that go towards the making of dental amalgam which include the following: mercury, tin, copper and silver.
Mercury is basically needed for the sticking together of all these elements for them to adhere together as some of them are not in powder form.
The end result is usually called silver filling because of its appearance.
It is the work of the dentist to make a paste out of the amalgam and use it to fill the cavity after it has been cleaned well.
This amalgam paste inside the cavity will harden with time to protect the teeth from any more assault of decay.
The reasons most prefer this type of filling is because it is quite cheap and durable compared to other known methods of dental treatment such as porcelain that costs double this amount.
The result is a strong substance that will last many years and withstand the pressure on the tooth, especially if taken care of very well hygienically.
The above mentioned factors play a major role in helping both the patients and the dentists as well to choose this method of improved dental care to deal with cavities.
This easily explains why the modern method of filling cavities using amalgam has contributed a great deal towards good dental care.
Apart from the new inventions for fighting tooth decay and dental issues, one is advised to take good care of the teeth by observing good oral hygiene.

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