Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Strength Training Exercises - Go For Proper Ones That Train All Your Muscle Groups

You hear and read so much about strength training exercises, but seriously, do you really know what are the right ways to do them? Well, for one thing, these exercises make you strong...
make your muscles strong, that is.
You'll be happy to enjoy the strength you've as it makes your life so much easier in every way - working; carrying things; exercising; sports; doing challenging tasks..
Second thing, they promote growth of muscle and muscle, what can I say, is a powerful "metabolic fat-burning" machine that turbo-charges your metabolism to higher levels, so you burn off calories, to lose weight.
This is thanks to the nature of muscle which is metabolically active as it burns off fat faster than fat (3 times faster).
If you pack 1 lb of muscle into your body, you'll burn an extra of 30-50 calories per day.
If you fatten up with 1 lb of fat, sorry, you gonna only burn an extra of 2 calories per day..
Third thing, like it or not, if you're serious about starting an exercise program, strength training is a "must" component in your program.
Do Proper Strength Training Exercises 1.
You should do a program that works on all muscle groups, 2-3 times per week, on alternate days.
Work all of your muscle groups each week so that you avoid muscle imbalances, which could lead to injury.
It's important to rest 1 day in between, to give your muscle time to recover from the fatigue of the exercises.
Use your own body weight or weights like dumbbells.
If using weights, start with lighter ones, say 2 lb or 3 lb weights, in the beginning.
Warm up for 3-5 minutes with light cardio such as marching in place or a slow walk, first.
This is important to prevent injury that can happen to your muscle.
Do 1-2 exercises for each muscle group; do 1-2 sets of 8-16 repetitions (reps) for each exercise.
As a beginner, you could do 15-16 reps until you feel comfortable with the moves and have built some strength.
Then gradually, you add more weight and reduce your reps for a different challenge.
Each week, add either 1 rep and/or a few pounds of weight to each exercise to progress.
Just keep your reps at about 16 or below.
When you hit 16 reps, increase your weight and drop your reps down to 10 or 12.
Don't need to "kill" yourself lifting very heavy weights or doing many reps..
Just challenge yourself along the way by doing the exercise a little bit more difficult than before.
After 6 weeks or thereabout, you can change your entire routine to make it even more challenging and more difficult.
I suggest these strength exercises for all your muscle groups:
  • Chest - pushup; chest fly
  • Back - back extension; lat pulldown
  • Shoulders - overhead press; lateral raise; front raise
  • Biceps - bicep curls; hammer curls; concentration curls
  • Triceps- tricep extension; dips; kickback
  • Abs - crunch on exercise ball
  • Lower Body - squat; lunge; plie, leg extension; calf raise
I would recommend Pilates as it's one of the most powerful whole body strength training exercise programs.
It builds strength where it's needed and fortifies all your core and non-core muscles, to give them stability and flexibility plus definition.

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