Technology Networking & Internet

How to Store a Chat Log

    • 1). Open your computer's Internet browser or the chat application and log in to the chat website or service. Once you have finished chatting, save the chat log for your own personal reference or use.

    • 2). Click "File" > "Save As" to save the chat log, if you are using an instant messaging service with this feature. Not all instant messaging services allow users to save logs, so refer to the reference or how-to guide of your application for more details. Alternatively, press "CTRL + Shift + S" to save the chat log from the IM or chat application window.

    • 3). Locate a "Save" link or icon -- with a disk or floppy disk icon -- if you are using a web-based chat room. This will save the chat log as a text or HTML file.

    • 4). Press "Alt + PrtScn" to take a screenshot of your chat log. Although this will not capture the entire chat log, it will save an image of the current information on your computer's monitor.

    • 5). Open an image editing program, such as Microsoft Paint or Adobe Photoshop, and create a new image by selecting "File" > "New" or by pressing "CTRL + N."

    • 6). Paste the screenshot of your chat log by selecting "Edit" > "Paste" from the top toolbar or by pressing "CTRL + V" on your keyboard.

    • 7). Save the image by pressing "CTRL + Shift + S" on the keyboard or by selecting "File" > "Save" from the top navigation links in the image editor.

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