Technology Electronics

What Do I Dial to Send a Fax to England From the U.S.?

    Ensure Fax Machine is Capable

    • Before you try sending an international fax, first ensure the phone line you are faxing from has international capabilities; most business lines do. If you are not sure, find out by speaking with your IT support professional or by picking up the receiver on your fax machine and dialing the operator by pressing the "0" button. The operator should be able to tell you if your line can dial international numbers.

    Dialing the Number

    • If your business line requires you to dial a "9" before calling or faxing out, that rule still applies when faxing internationally.

      First, give the fax machine instruction that you're a sending an international fax. Do this by dialing "011." Next dial the country code. For England, the country code is "44."

      Here's where it might get a bit tricky. After the country code, enter the city code. For example, the city code for London is '020.' However, when dialing from the United States, you must drop the first '0' from the city code. Now dial the local number of the fax machine you are sending to in England.

      For example, the Marriott Hotel in London has an in-country fax number of 0207 0402 0666. Notice the city code is fully listed as '020'.

      From a fax machine in the United States you would dial: 011 -- 44 -- 207 402 0666.

    Verify Success

    • Now that you know what to dial, you're ready to send faxes to England. To verify your fax went through, watch the prompt on your fax machine. It should read "Sending" then "complete." Many fax machines also produce a fax confirmation page after a successful fax. If your machine does not, refer to the owner's manual for instructions on how to set up this feature.

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