Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

How to Spot Good Freelance Writing Opportunities

The truth is that on the internet you can find many good freelance writing opportunities, ones that pay well, but why does it seem like all that is "out there" are ads looking for articles for only a few bucks a piece? If you don't want to be a "penniless writer", you will need to learn to spot good freelance writing opportunities - and here's how!
  • Always do a background check of the company or website listing the ad.
    Find out how long the website has been in existence, if they have contact information, and what kind of credibility they can provide.
    Honest and legitimate freelance writing opportunities are always very open about these details.
  • Be selective! Look for freelance writing opportunities where the client specifies that he/she can be contacted by phone - often job offers are rather vague, and a voice-to-voice conversation with your employer about will be required is invaluable.
  • Think outside the box.
    Look for freelance writing opportunities outside the realms of articles, novels and non-fiction.
    There is a huge demand for technical writing, editing, poetry, and others...
    and not as much supply! If there is a huge demand for something, and the supply is low, you can drive your price up!
  • Find job ads that REALLY appeal to you.
    Believe it or not, if you can get paid to write about something that really interests you, or about something of which you are well-versed, you have found a good opportunity.
    You will enjoy it, find it easy to accomplish, and be able to finish it quickly!
If you follow these tips faithfully, you will get much closer to your dream of being a freelance writer! A freelance writing career can be both exciting and lucrative, if you know the secrets of finding those high paying writing assignments! The truth is, however, that most of what "amateurs" find when searching for good writing opportunities is so low-paying that it doesn't seem worth the effort.
Why not give yourself a break and learn from an expert writer about how to really make the money roll in?

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