Health & Medical Health Care

Nursing Course - A Guide For a Bright Future?

Teenagers these days are always looking for the surest way to be successful in life.
I am talking about the courses that they will choose once they step in to college.
Some teenagers choose a course that they really want before even finishing high school, some choose the path of their parents footsteps and as for the others, and they just take the course that they know their future career will be in demand in other countries.
Like during my time, IT careers were in demand in the US and Canada.
And I have to admit, I took Computer Science thinking I would have a better future.
Well, I do have a good job but not the life that I would like to have.
The same thing is happening again but this time, it is a different course.
Nursing is becoming in demand because a lot of foreign countries such as US, Canada, and even in the Middle East are hiring nurses all over the world.
But they actually prefer nurses from the Philippines because we Filipino's are good when it comes to skills and at the same time, a pleasing personality.
I remember back when I was in college, I have some friends who shifted course from Computer Science to Nursing because they thought they would have a better future.
Before we move on in discussing more about the reality of nursing course, lets see first what nursing is all about.
"Nursing as a health-care profession focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life from birth to the end of life.
" They are just not the assistant of a doctor during operations, but their "practice is primarily the caring relationship between the nurse and the person in their care.
" And that is not an easy task just so everybody knows.
Not that I am being pessimistic about the whole thing, but I am just looking at the reality of it.
Looking at the bright side of it, some nurses were lucky to be sent abroad by their agency, but what about the others? Some of them are still struggling to get a job abroad.
So what they do is while they are waiting for their papers, they either look for other jobs that are not related to their course such as call center agents, or they work as a volunteer in hospitals or get paid in a minimum wage.
This is what is really happening and teenagers must realize this before its too late.
I am not saying they should not take this course but if they are going to take nursing, they must do it because they really like to be a certified nurse someday.

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