How To Build Abdominal Muscles And Lose Weight Fast
Have you always wanted to get rid of your pot belly and have a nice and firm muscular body instead? If your answer is yes then here are a couple of great tips to help you.
The problem with today's weight watchers is that everyone seems to think that to save on effort, they can spend more money and lose weight.
Investing in gym memberships is very expensive, fat burners don't work and those slimming teas, pills and other dietary supplements are only temporary and can be dangerous too.
So, spend nothing and get those abs you want on your own.
First you need to change your food intake.
No matter how much you exercise, it would be hard to build strong muscles if there is a lack on nutrients in your body.
So clear out your kitchen and make sure it's free from food items that are high in trans fat, saturated fat, oil, sugar, excessive salt, refined flours and grains and processed food.
Now, if your cabinets are all empty it's time to stock it up again! Fill your shelves with healthy and nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables, natural grains and high fiber food.
For lazy days, when you used to grab TV dinners, chocolate bars and whatever else that are usually readily available, it's time for you to throw all that out and replace it with whole grain cereals, multi grain muffins, handful of nuts or muesli bars.
When you've got a steady hand on your food consumption, you need to focus on your workout next.
Like how muscles can be built without proper nutrition, it also can't be built without proper exercise.
To get washboard abs, you need to focus on the core muscles of each and every part of your body.
The four main parts would be the chest, back, arms and shoulders and legs.
By doing chest exercises, the chest muscles will get rid of the fatty tissues which are present on your upper body.
When you focus on back muscles, the fat storage on your back is worked off, giving you a leaner back that would be free from rolls.
The arms and shoulders burns of that flabby fatty arms which is generally more common among females than males but is present with both genders.
As for the leg workouts, it helps burn off fat storage which are on the lower part of your body and as you work on muscle building, it's important to make sure your leg muscles builds up strength in order to do cardiovascular workouts.
Fitness trainers recommend these exercises to help you work on the core muscles in your body.
This is essential so always keep water by your side, especially when you're doing intense workouts.
The problem with today's weight watchers is that everyone seems to think that to save on effort, they can spend more money and lose weight.
Investing in gym memberships is very expensive, fat burners don't work and those slimming teas, pills and other dietary supplements are only temporary and can be dangerous too.
So, spend nothing and get those abs you want on your own.
First you need to change your food intake.
No matter how much you exercise, it would be hard to build strong muscles if there is a lack on nutrients in your body.
So clear out your kitchen and make sure it's free from food items that are high in trans fat, saturated fat, oil, sugar, excessive salt, refined flours and grains and processed food.
Now, if your cabinets are all empty it's time to stock it up again! Fill your shelves with healthy and nutritious food such as fruits, vegetables, natural grains and high fiber food.
For lazy days, when you used to grab TV dinners, chocolate bars and whatever else that are usually readily available, it's time for you to throw all that out and replace it with whole grain cereals, multi grain muffins, handful of nuts or muesli bars.
When you've got a steady hand on your food consumption, you need to focus on your workout next.
Like how muscles can be built without proper nutrition, it also can't be built without proper exercise.
To get washboard abs, you need to focus on the core muscles of each and every part of your body.
The four main parts would be the chest, back, arms and shoulders and legs.
By doing chest exercises, the chest muscles will get rid of the fatty tissues which are present on your upper body.
When you focus on back muscles, the fat storage on your back is worked off, giving you a leaner back that would be free from rolls.
The arms and shoulders burns of that flabby fatty arms which is generally more common among females than males but is present with both genders.
As for the leg workouts, it helps burn off fat storage which are on the lower part of your body and as you work on muscle building, it's important to make sure your leg muscles builds up strength in order to do cardiovascular workouts.
Fitness trainers recommend these exercises to help you work on the core muscles in your body.
- Side bends
- Static holds
- Leg lifts
- Reverse crunches
- Bicycle
This is essential so always keep water by your side, especially when you're doing intense workouts.