Travel & Places Budget Travel

Bangkok to Bali Overland, Part One Into the Bowels of Bangkok

The mission was to travel over a big chunk of Asia from Bangkok to Bali overland, the reason to do it overland is that I was going to go scuba diving and was bringing all of my own dive equipment.
Time wasn't a factor but I wanted to do it as inexpensive as possible.
The trip from Bangkok started at my hotel on Suhkumvitt.
I was going to cheat and take a taxi but when I asked how long it would take they said depended how bad the traffic jam was! Not an encouraging thing to hear, so I took the sky train for 15 baht to the new subway system and then for 26 baht, I took that to the end of the line at Hua Lampong, which is the main train station for Bangkok.
The sky train was uneventful but getting into the subway system was quite frankly a pain in the ass, the first thing that I ran into was a security guy and he wanted to check my bags, fair enough, but please point at which bag you want to search! It seemed like he wanted me to empty all 3 of the bags onto the table which had me none to happy, which I was very willing to share with him, so he looked in one little pocket that I pointed at and he said go ahead.
Then, after I got everything back on my back and headed in the right direction, I hit the cones and trapped my bags as I was going down the escalator which caused me to get all twisted up, I shared with the guard a few of favorite combinations of words that I developed under the tutelage of a salty sea captain and descended into bowels of Bangkok.
I went to the machine to get the tickets, no problem; I am walking to go through the turnstile that is very tight.
Now on the sky train the security people open up the big gate, scan your ticket and no drama, but the subway people are trying to make some point that is lost on me as only staff can go through the big gate.
They will not let you hand your stuff over first, again why is completely beyond me, so I managed after only two tries to get through with my 3 bags.
Now I must share that two days before I bought a new bag in Cambodia and of course the thing is falling apart, and I am dragging it instead of rolling like it is suppose to do.
For me reason number 587 for leaving - Cambodia shoddy goods (sic).

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