Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

7 Minute Diet Vs The Transformation Solution Program

Two vastly different weight loss plans are the focus of this comparison article.
On the one hand, you have the 7 Minute Diet by Jon Benson and Nathan Hopkins and on the other you have the Transformation Solution Program by Bill Phillips.
Let's see which one of these programs is right for you...
The first major difference between these 2 plans is the fact that only one of them is an actual program.
The 7 Minute Diet can't really be called a complete weight loss plan because it doesn't offer any structured plan to follow.
What is does offer is a collection of simple and easy to apply tips that you can do in a very short time to make weight loss easier.
These tips either help you to burn more calories or to avoid consuming them.
They can be very effective but they're not a plan.
The Transformation Solution Program, on the other hand is much greater in scope.
In this plan, Bill Phillips teaches you how to workout, how and what to eat to achieve your goals, and goes even deeper than that.
The program deals with the mental aspects and challenges of weight loss, the internal process you need to go through in order to create a true transformation.
In that respect, it is a far more extensive solution than the 7 Minute Diet.
It is a complete program.
However, the 7 Minute Diet does have the advantage of simplicity.
The tips it teaches can make a big difference in a short time.
The problem is that they may not be enough by themselves.
The tips in the 7 Minute Diet are meant to provide a boost to the results you should be getting through your workouts and your eating routine.
You can't use these, not workout, eat fatty food and expect to lose weight.
In my opinion, the 7 Minute Diet offers excellent tips which can make any complete weight loss plan more effective.
They can't be your only tool.
This means that if you need to lose a lot of weight, you should go with the Transformation Solution Program as the core program which you follow.
This gives you the overall structure you need to achieve long term results.
What you can do is combine it with the 7 Minute Diet.
This may help you achieve even faster results.
The two plans should work well together.

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