Business & Finance Renting & Real Estate

Basic Steps in Dealing With Late Tenant Rent

The bread and butter of rental investments in real estate is the monthly rent however collecting this could also be a thorny issue to deal with.
This is quite applicable when you are dealing with late rent payments and even missed rents from tenants.
This will definitely immobilize your venture and may have a drastic effect on all your finances.
Hence, make sure that you know the fundamental steps in taking care of late monthly rent payments.
A written warning or a letter reminding the tenant regarding his rent that is past due ought to be one of the first steps to take in this issue.
It is important that you basically refer to your lease agreement before you make a letter of reminder.
The contents of your missive must be based on whatever terms and conditions you have agreed with your tenant along with his signature of approval and compliance.
It is imperative that you include in your letter all the necessary information and date as regards to monthly rent payment.
For instance, indicate the due date and the amount of the rent that the tenant owes you.
Make sure that you do not accept excuses as well as make any deals with your tenant.
This will most likely give him the impression that it is okay for him to continue being tardy with his payment.
In worse situations, it may even escalate the problem and you are going to face much more complicated dilemmas in the future.
In most cases, lease agreements include terms and conditions for late rents specifically imposing fees and penalty to those who pay them late or even missed a month's payment.
This amount which you ought to charge to your tenant must be clearly indicated in the letter that you send along with the new amount or assessment that the tenant already owes you and must pay in a given schedule.
Should your lease agreement include a grace period for the payment, do not forget to put it in the content of the missive as well.
Always keep all your communications with your tenant regarding rents in written form and keep those records for future use and reference.
You must have proofs and solid reference of the amount and all other proceedings which took place in your collection of the tardy monthly rent.
Should you end up in court, these records are evidences which you can also present to those in charge of your case.
Eviction of the tenant is the last and ultimate option that you have as landlord should your renter still does not adhere to his financial and payment obligations.
You must first check and familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations as regards to the process of evicting a tenant from your rental unit or property.
Consult with your attorney or seek help from authorities in the real estate industry who are experts in this issue or concern.
Monthly rents are indispensable and highly valuable components of your real property rental investment.
Hence make sure you protect this entity through knowing the legal and proper ways of imposing up-to-date payments at all time.

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