Health & Medical Men's Health

The Importance of Bio-Identical Hormonal Replacement Therapy

There has always been conflicting ideas towards the hormone therapy especially in the wake of the 21st century, when people are more conscious. The therapy involved ingestion of estrogen and progestin that would prevent many later-life ills. The trials began and were completely stopped in 2002 mainly because the hormone users recorded higher risks of breast cancer, heart diseases, strokes, thrombosis and blood clots. The added risks were minimal, however, the doctors stopped prescribing the therapy completely. These women suffered from the extreme condition hot flashes, menopausal symptoms and sleeplessness, which made their life unbearable.

Bio-identical hormones therapy is still considered as one of the most viable treatments for these symptoms. However, the women are not rushing into the same. The health experts have found that women are also turning into the alternatives, which they might find safer. Even before the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial results were in, we found that women would look for alternatives that would relieve them of the hot flashes, night sweats and the dryness. There are side effects to the hormonal therapy, which was disliked by many others. While some were tensed about the excessive bleeding, others were rife with the concern for estrogen causing breast cancer. Some opposed to the taking drugs thinking the menopausal is not a disease but a passage. Some of the women in the trial refused to take the estrogen as they were made from pregnant mare's urine.

This led to the assumption that the natural hormones were better. However, the terminology "natural" is subject to different interpretations. There is hormone replacement therapy in Charlotte that believes in imparting medicine that is derived from animals, plants or mineral sources and is technically natural. This is irrespective of how the medicine is prepared. This can be ground, converted to capsules, or sold over the counter, extracted from derivatives in a lab, or mass manufactured in a company, irrespective of its form they are available as prescribed drugs. The soy plant provides the perfect source of supplements for the menopausal symptoms that women can take. This is mixed with yams to convert the same into estrogen in the FDA approved drug called the Estrace. However, there haven't been sufficient tests that could reveal the potency of the drug and so we are not aware as to whether it is safe or effective. There have been rumours on certain components of drugs being capable of stimulating tumour growth.

This natural intention of man towards a more natural hormonal therapy has led to the renewed attention towards bio-identical hormones. This bio-identical hormone therapy in Charlotte includes hormones that are identical to the molecular structure present in the women's bodies. These chemical compounds are not available in this form but are manufactured or synthesized from the plants of yams and soy. The bio-identical hormones include estrone, estriol and 17 beta-estradiol. The bio-identical progesterone is simply progesterone, which is finely ground in the laboratory for easy assimilation. Often known as the natural hormone therapy, in this Charlotte based bio-identical hormone replacement therapy the ingested hormones behave the same way the normal hormones would. The human body is incapable of identifying the bio-identical hormones from the real ones. These hormones are available as FDA approved drugs in various clinics. They can be in the form of pills, suppositories, injections or topical crèmes. The hormonal therapy should be taken only when the doctor prescribes the treatment.

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