Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Make an Ozone Water Maker or Generator

    • 1). Cover the bottom of the inside of the small jar in aluminum foil. It is okay to let the foil run 1 or 2 inches up the sides of the jar.

    • 2). Cover the bottom of the outside of the small jar in aluminum foil. Allow foil to cover as much side surface on the outside as on the inside, as long as both pieces of foil do not meet at the top.

    • 3). Place the small jar inside the large one. Try not to disturb the foil's position.

    • 4). Connect one of the high voltage leads to the aluminum foil inside the jar, and the other high voltage lead to the foil outside the jar. Make sure the bare part of the wire touches the foil. Be careful not to cross the wires.

    • 5). Put the generator on a piece of wood and turn it on. If you see a white or yellow arc, a short has occurred. Fix this problem by turning off the generator and separating the wires.

    • 6). Run your ozone generator for cleaner air. How much you should use your ozone generator varies by situation. In general, it is best to turn it on initially for a few hours and assess the odor. If the problem is not gone, it is usually safe to use a low-capacity ozone generator continuously.

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