Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Why I Prefer Online Dating

The next most likely place to meet your match is the place where you regularly hang out.
However, if your idea of socializing is hanging out at the local pub or bar with a couple of buddies, choices are pretty much limited and you'd be competing with all the guys for the limited number of girls.
The bar is not exactly the best place to get to know a girl.
Here's some reason why ...
It doesn't take a genius to deduce that half of the bar patrons are usually roaring drunk.
And it is also a known fact that the highest quality people don't frequent bars regularly.
Even if you are not roaring drunk, you can hardly hear yourself let alone see clearly in a bar with the loud music and barely there lights.
What is illustrated above is a very common scenario for the thirty something who is still single and available.
This group forms the biggest group in the single and available population.
They are financially stable, with a career that is definitely going places.
In fact, about the only thing lacking in their life is having that special someone to share their success with.
Are you also part of this group? If so, where does that leave you? Time and NOT money is the biggest constraint for this group...
How do you solve this problem? Money may be able to buy you many things but certainly not time.
Does this mean that all is lost for the thirty something singles? Destined to live their final days in solitary? Fortunately not! Thanks to some savvy business minded people, what was once a problem is now a commercially viable business.
As a matter of fact, it is a booming business for some.
It all started with a simple idea of pooling together all the singles people and match make them based on the information garnered from them or post their information and let other members who have interest look them up.
Another way of looking at it is as an avenue for singles to advertise their availability and an avenue for them to response to the advertisements posted.
If you dwell on the nature of this business, it actually creates a win-win situation; the singles get a date for a fee and the business makes a profit from their fee.
The best part of this solution is, you are not constraint by time.
The service is there 24/7, 365 a year.
All you have to do is signed up with an online dating agency, post some background information about yourself and also some basic qualities that you look for in a partner and bingo...
you'll be served with a list of singles that match your wish list.
Piece of cake, huh ? Think about it, you don't have the time...
Here is a solution that has no time constraints.
You do this at your own time and pace; whenever you are free and wherever you are as long as you have connection to the Internet and a notebook.
Take a look at Try Online Dating to learn more about my own experience.

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