Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Witnessing The Games Of The Bird

Witnessing The Games Of The Bird

He was witnessing the games of the bird and was working with vigor and zeal.

The bird was going and coming amidst the fierce battles of life.

Observing the bird he was trying to face the adverse winds.

The bird was bit restless in the world of chaos and conflicts.


Falling in the miseries of the world the bird was trying to enjoy the worldly things and beings.

The warrior was trying to make the bird understand about its true nature by applying his intelligent will.

The true nature of the bird is absolute peace and bliss.

The warrior was telling the bird that there was no real happiness in the worldly things and beings.


He was working not listening to the bird's sayings.

The bird was becoming a barrier to realize the divine.

But the warrior has to go with the bird facing the challenges of life.

Some times the bird was obedient and at other times the bird was not listening to the warrior's talkings.


The bird had become impatient and was wanting the warrior to fulfill all its hopes and dreams.

Feeling pity of the bird the warrior was struggling with life.

He was trying to make the bird serene and still.

The bird was revolting against the warrior and was wanting instant success inspite of all the difficulties.


The poor warrior was talking to his customers,friends and the things and beings in his surroundings.

The bird was no way prepared to come to the fold of the warrior and it had started revolting.

The bird understood that there is evolution in revolution and by its revolution the warrior will be conscious in his brain,body and mind.

As the bird was revolting the warrior was observing the bird and was trying to make the revolution cool for the time being.


The revolting bird had lost its patience and wanted for the warrior some good things to happen.

Finding no other way the warrior was meditating in silence.

He was trying to feed the bird with all life's essence.

He was telling the bird various divine messages.


The warrior wanted the bird to be of understanding nature at those moments.

The bird was seeing the warrior since his childhood till date.

It wanted the warrior to be free from all the bondages.

The bird was comparing the warrior with the colleauges of his age.


All were mantaining a luxurious life but the warrior was far behind the race.

The warrior at any cost was trying to fulfill his hopes and dreams working with zeal and zest.

He was wanting the bird to merge in the consciousness which it was carrying on itself.

He was trying to dive deep inside his blissful and peaceful self.


Resting inside his true self he was observing the bird in all earnestness.

As the warrior was hiding himself from the bird the bird was feeling ashamed.

It was understanding that something was wrong with it for which the warrior was not trying to cope with it in the life's processes.

The bird was brave and stout and tried to come up with the warrior face to face.


The warrior looked to the bird for a considerable period of time.

Inside the eyes of the warrior the bird observed all love and smiles.

Through the eyes the bird moved deep in to the warrior's brain,body and mind.

Where ever the bird went it sensed the warrior's earnest will to cope with the challenges of life.


Tears of love flew from the bird's eyes and it stopped revolting.

Understanding the warrior since childhood till date it became extraordinarily still.

It was the turn of the warrior to give the bird a touch of the divine.

As the bird became totally silent the warrior massaged the bird with tear drops in his eyes.


The tear drops rolled down on his cheeks and fell on the bird drop by drop.

Being soked with the tear drops the bird stopped its unnecessary games and became firm like a rock.

Sitting on the bird the warrior pleasurably drove its life boat.

Reaching in the calm sea he visualized his dreams and hopes.


He understood the bird and went in to all aspects of its revolutions.

He learned many things from those and advanced on the path of life with a divine union.

He became more disciplined in life and tried to live with a genuine freedom.

As per the bird's wish he was trying to achieve all his hopes and dreams working hard with beauty and perfection.


Between the warrior and the bird there was a tremendous attraction.

No one was unable to live with out the other and both were trying to create a new kingdom.

They were fighting the battle working day and night with sweet innovations.

As both were listening to each other among them there was a perfect coordination.


The warrior loved the bird as it received from it all cooperation.

Both walked on the path of evolution through revolution to serve in a better manner the family,society and organization.

Throwing out all the negatives from life all the time they remained in positive vibrations.

Enjoying each moment of life they worked together to create in the life vibrant and dynamic dawns.

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