Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Run With Your Pet

Did you know that a scheduled fitness routine is the best way to stay healthy and fit?Plan to run or walk with your pet everyday, at the same time of the day.
Do this until it becomes a habit.
You'll want to wear sport apparel that's comfortable and breathable.
Make sure your pet is comfortable.
Watch the weather.
You and your pet don't want to be too hot or too cold.
It would be a good idea to run in the morning or in the evening.
Running or walking in the morning energizes you for the day.
Running or walking at night can help you fall sleep and sleep through the night.
Your body will adjust to your set schedule.
You might want to start out in small segments and build up in accordance with your fitness level.
Start with 15 minutes to 20 minutes and build up to 30 minutes to 40 minutes after a month or two.
Drink water or hydrate your pet and your body after your workout.
Two glasses is enough.
Tepid water, water at room temperature uses less energy,your body uses it more efficiently than cold water.
The old saying drink 8 glasses of water a day is true.
Drink water through out the day.
Adding lemon or lime juice gives your body extra vitamin C and it makes the water taste better too.
What are the benefits of a fun habit of running and walking your pet in the morning or at night?You will benefit from added oxygen volume,toned up muscles, your heart will work more efficiently and you'll look and feel great.
Guess what?The same benefits you achieve, your pet will benefit from too.
Start your habit today!

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