Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Common Diabetes Complications

Type 2 diabetes is a very dangerous disease where sugar is not properly processed in the body but there's a lot you can do to stay healthy.
People with Type 2 diabetes have high insulin levels simply because the body no longer recognizes how to properly respond to the insulin.
This is why you often hear this form of diabetes called insulin resistant diabetes.
Anyone diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes should be under the care of a doctor, especially in the initial stages.
One of the first steps to take is to make lifestyle modifications so that eventually you no longer require any medication, or maybe minimal medications.
However, there are some very dangerous diabetic complications that can come along, so it's important to follow your doctor's orders and make lifestyle modifications to give yourself the best chance of avoiding these.
Reduce your risk of heart attack.
Cardiovascular problems, including the increased risk of stroke or heart attack, are some of the most dangerous of the complications that come along with Type 2 diabetes.
It's very important to lose any extra weight and change your diet and exercise program in order to protect yourself from heart disease or stroke.
You know that lifestyle factors such as eating right, not smoking, and staying active will help you reduce your risk of a heart attack.
Kidney disease.
High blood sugar levels can damage the kidneys beyond repair and require a person go on dialysis in order to stay alive.
The kidneys' role in the body is to filter fluids so wastes are removed and eliminated.
If this function is impaired, kidney disease will result and may lead to complete kidney failure.
Then artificial dialysis will be needed for survival when kidney disease progresses.
Kidney failure or nephropathy is an unfortunate complication that can come along with diabetes, so it's critical that you keep your blood sugar levels balanced.
In addition, you want to make sure that you keep a low sodium diet not only to keep your blood pressure down but also to help take the strain off your kidneys.
Take care of your feet.
Another very serious chronic complication associated with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes is the prevalence of foot problems and infections.
People with diabetes often times have neurological problems and nerve damage that keep them from being able to have full feeling in their feet.
Because of this, many diabetics don't know when they've cut themselves or hurt their foot in some way.
Having diabetes also makes you more prone to infection if something infiltrates your body like a bacteria.
When you couple foot problems, the inability to feel them, and bacteria, you have a recipe for potential disaster.
Your eyes.
Finally, vision problems are another disturbing complication associated with diabetes.
High blood sugar and high blood pressure are factors that can contribute to a higher risk of eye disease and complications.
Blood vessels in the eye are very small and fragile...
glaucoma, cataracts, retinopathy, and macular degeneration are eye problems often seen in people with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes.
The eye problems that come along with diabetes can actually lead to blindness.
High blood sugar levels can cause you to have temporary blurry vision and think that you need new glasses.
Once your blood sugar returns to normal, often you will find that your vision improves so much that you don't need glasses anymore.
Don't forget the way you respond to the challenges associated with diabetes determines whether the disease will be a moderate annoyance or the source of major complications.

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