Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Low Carbohydrate Diets - The Real Truth on What You Should Know

Diets have been given a lot of press over recent years as weight becomes more and more of an issue and the consumption of calorific convenience foods has risen.
Some diets claim enormous success, yet many people find them tricky and discouraging.
Even if they lose weight initially, they find the pounds piling on again after they stop the regime.
One extremely popular diet is the low carbohydrate diet.
Because of the high meat content, these are very popular, partly because they appeals to men.
They initially allow only ½ to 2 ½ oz of carbohydrates per day.
Even some vegetables are not allowed.
People eat proteins and fats such as meat, eggs and cheese, the reason being that carbohydrates lead to higher insulin levels, under which fat can't be broken down.
Only fat and protein signal enzymes in the body that let us know when we are full; therefore carbohydrates do not fill us up.
Carbohydrates are also broken down and pass through the gut faster, which is why you can be hungry so soon after eating them.
This explains why many people on a low carbohydrate diet actually eat fewer calories, even though proteins and fats have more calories per gram consumed.
Of course, if you choose to cut out a major food group such as carbohydrates, your body is being deprived of vital vitamins and minerals, such as the B vitamins in grains.
This can lead to a reduced energy so you will not feel so inclined to exercise.
Some people also have a little difficulty in digesting proteins and fats at this low level of carbohydrate as high protein foods are acidic, which can lead to kidney and liver problems.
Cutting down considerably on fibre can lead to constipation as well as reducing the elimination of toxins from the bowel.
One of the main reasons why this diet works for lots of people is that they cut out a food to which they have an intolerance, wheat is a good example.
Many people gain weight as they have difficulty digesting wheat.
The diet also helps to keep your blood sugar levels steady, which provides energy and reduces food cravings.

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