Business & Finance Blogging

Move Your WordPress Blog - Is Your Blog Installed In The Wrong Place And You Want To Move It?

If you have been trying to build your business with a WordPress blog then I have some information that might be very helpful to you.
You see most people buy hosting, buy a domain name, and then install their WP blog on the main URL.
Well this is actually the wrong thing to do in most cases.
Let me explain why! If you were smart when you picked out your domain name you didn't pick out a name like "SmithCoPlumbers" dot com.
Instead you picked out a URL that contained a keyword friendly phrase that would draw business to your companies blog.
For example you could have chosen "FixALeakInAtlanta" dot com.
That would be much more likely to get natural search ranking that the earlier example, because let's face it, not many people are searching for your company's name.
What they are searching for is the answer to their question (i.
fixing a leaky faucet in their kitchen).
Now as I said before most people have put their blog right there on the main domain.
This is wrong! Why? Because as we said before you know that your domain has keywords in the URL.
Since it does it will fairly quickly get noticed by the search engines and traffic will begin to flow there.
When it does you want your potential customers to have two choices: 1) Call your business to hire you or 2) Fill out an opt-in sheet so that you can mail them offers every week or so (until they come in and start spending money with you).
If you do not have an autoresponder then you really need to get one.
I recommend AWeber for beginners.
They are good and very cost effective.
Otherwise if you just send them to your blog they will click around a to a few articles and then leave.
Most likely you will never get a chance to sell to them again.
You have missed your opportunity.
This is not the way you want to do business.
You need to actively market your business to every customer who visits your blog.
So I suggest you move your blog from your main URL to a subdomain that is also keyword rich.
For instance "FixALeakInAtlanta.
The more places you are able to insert keywords the more likely you will be to get organic search ranking that are high and free traffic from the search engines.

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